Roomers Berlin
Yes, The Rumours Are True
Roomers Berlin is coming soon.
Stay tuned
We are just as excited as you are. Ongoing works for ground-floor areas such as restaurant and restaurant have already started. Stay in the loop.
Roomers Voices
»Roomers hotels are the true rebels of our industry.«
— Iain Ainsworth —
»Roomers is different ... in a positive way.«
— Rolf Westermann, AHGZ —
»What touches me, is their love for gathering people in a place that is well designed, for people who enjoy being in a cozy energetic place.«
— Rami Mekdachi, Founder Lola James Harper —
»It’s always a pleasure to work with likewise people, with the same craziness and the same passion.«
— Norbert & Rainer, Alpha Industries Europe —
»The unseen pulse of this city lies in Roomers.«
— Roomers Guest —
»You somehow feel as though effortlessly floating through space and lack of time, relaxed and beautiful.«
— Roomers Guest —
»Feel that rushing sensation, that inner voice that says, This is good. Don’t leave this place. «
— Roomers Guest —
»Roomers has sex-appeal and you know that.«
— Roomers Guest —
»You’re the best – and that’s it.«
— Piero Lissoni —
Autograph Collection
Exact like nothing else.
Roomers Berlin is part of Autograph Collection, a selection of hotels that are characterized by their special flair and individual focus on design and hospitality. Each hotel in it is unique and exceptional, characterized by the passion and vision of its founder.